Field Profile: Skirmish USA
A few weeks ago the staff at G.I. was hanging around the office, talking about past vacations, travel guides and planning new adventures for the upcoming year. Then it hit us: other than some online field reviews, nowhere on the internet can you find a “travel guide” to paintball fields. We’re going to fix that, right now; and to kick it off we’re starting with one of the oldest, legendary and insane fields in the world: Skirmish USA, in Jim Thorpe PA.
Skirmish USA was one of the first fields in the country to open in 1984. On their first day of business, Skirmish had only one paying guest but has grown considerably over the years. We now have over 700 acres of land which includes 50+ playing fields, a tournament complex, two castles, three cities, downed airplanes, a Draxxus Oil Field, G.I. Sportz Cargo field, three picnic pavilions, paved parking, hundreds of employees, and a fully equipped paintball pro-shop. Today, Skirmish is the largest paintball field in the world.
With this huge space to play, in prime season, Skimirsh USA can accommodate approximately 1000 to 1500 players on a Saturday! Of course, they do not run 700 vs 700 games every weekend, so to satisfy the big-game and scenario players dream, every July Skirmish plays hosts to the “Invasion of Normandy” Scenario game – also known as I.O.N – which draws over 4000 players on a regular basis. 4000 players seem a little intense for you? NO worries, Skirmish also hosts a scenario game based around the battle of Stalingrad – titled “Stalingrad” – in March which draws around 2000!!
Something we at G.I. Sportz are super stoked about is the opening of Skirmish’s newest field, “Cargo”, which consists of 18 shipping containers, some stacked two high with stairs and decks connecting them. This creates for some really awesome close quarters combat and really makes you feel like you’re playing in a video game!
I was fortunate enough to sit down with Paul Fogel, the owner of Skirmish USA, and ask him a few questions about the new field.
G.I. Sportz: Where did the idea for “Cargo” come from?
Paul Fogel: The idea for “Cargo” initially came over 10 years ago when we purchased a shipping container to use as storage at the Skirmish fields. We discussed the”Cargo” idea often but in the past chose to build castles, oil derricks, and towns instead. A few months ago, we decided Skirmish needed a new field for the players, so we revisited the “Cargo” idea yet again. Thanks to the generous support of GI Sports (and a huge crane) we were able to turn this concept into a reality. Cargo consists of 18 shipping containers stacked two high with stairs and decks connecting them. You can play around the containers, in them, under them, and also on top of them. We also spent over a week cutting doors and windows into every container.
We are always looking for and talking about new field designs and game formats. We want to stay fresh and cutting edge to keep the players interested, involved, and coming back. A few of the popular online games have container maps and we just said lets give it a try and make it reality. It’s cool and a world’s first. I would also like to thank GI Sports for their continued involvement with Skirmish and the paintball industry
G.I Sportz: What’s the BEST feature of Cargo?
Paul Fogel: An unexpected bonus of building an entire field out of shipping containers is that it’s absolutely crazy when you are inside and the paint is slamming onto the metal. It ratchets up the intensity and make you wish you had ear plugs. So far everyone who has played it, including a 20-year veteran of our sport, called it the best field they have every played on.
After the VIP crew got to break it in we had a game of 20 on 46, and I believe that the field could realistically hold about 90 people. The shipping containers themselves are 45 feet long, 8 feet wide and 10 feet tall. We have 3 containers stacked as bridges creating some excellent second level play and one container is set at a crazy angle.
The success of Cargo has since spanned some really crazy field design ideas and we look forward to expanding both the sport of paintball and Skirmish’s playing horizon.
G.I Sportz: Thanks for your time Mr. Fogel! We look forward to seeing you guys soon!
Paul Fogel: See you on the field!
Have we wet your appetite for some incredible paintball action? Want to make a pilgrimage to Skirmish? Listed below are some of the upcoming events that you can check out, through March. Mr. Fogel stated that “The most popular weekends we have are our 1/2 price paint days in December, Stalingrad Scenario Game on March 9th, and our 30th Year Anniversary Celebration on March 23rd thru 26th. If you’re interested in coming to either I.O.N or Stalingrad, make sure to give us a call (or check out the website) to register and reserve your spot early!!”
4th -SKIRMISH FALL 5-MAN – 5-Man Woodsball Tournament. $99.00 per team entry, $74.00 case paint, Round Robin Format with 7 – 9 games per team, 16 team max. Plaques will be given to the top 4 teams.
12th – PLAY FREE WITH MILITARY ID! – Happy Veterans Day! We would like to thank all active military and veterans for their years of
service. Present your military ID at check-in and you play for FREE!
18th – LADIES DAY – All women play FREE!!!!
23rd – 1/2 PRICE BYOG – Bring Your Own Gun and Play for 1/2 Price – only $14.95! Plus, you’ll get to enjoy our Black Friday Sale in our
fully stocked pro shop- we’re talking deep discounts on select paintball gear & all guns will be 10% off!!
24th & 25th – FREE PASS WEEKEND – It’s like Christmas in November…Play this weekend and everyone will get a free pass to come
back and play again.
30th – 1/2 PRICE DAY- Everyone play Skirmish for only $14.95 per person.
8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, & 16th – ½ PRICE PAINT DAYS – Paint is only $50.00 per case …for players only!
19th, 20th, & 21st – 1/2 PRICE ENTRY WEEKEND – Celebrate the Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend – Everyone play Skirmish for only $14.95 per person.
2nd – LADIES DAY – All women play FREE!!!!
16th, 17th, & 18th – FREE PAINT WEEKEND – To celebrate President’s Weekend, we are giving everyone 250 FREE Paintballs!
9th – STALINGRAD VIII – 6-hour winter scenario – $39.95 per person, pre-registered by 03/07/13. If you have a group of 25+
players, the rate is $34.95 per person, pre-registered by 03/07. If you do not pre-register by the 7th, the rate is $49.95 per person at
the gate. Paint is $74.00 per case, no matter what quantity is purchased. No Regular Play Available.
16th – LADIES DAY – All women play FREE!!!!
23rd thru 26th–SKIRMISH’S 30th ANNIVERSARY – $22.00 per person & 250 FREE paintballs per person!