The West Coast Paintball Player’s League (WCPPL) will be switching exclusively to G.I. Sportz paint for the 2022 tournament season. The first event will feature GI Sportz incredible 5 Star paint with a pink fill.
The WCPPL was started in 2009 by Michael Hinman and has been running Xball events since 2010 solely under his leadership. Hinman, a former professional paintball player and legendary coach used to own his own paintball manufacturing facility and is a recognized authority on paintballs.

Mike Hinman, owner of the WCPPL said, “I’m pleased to announce that the WCPPL will be using G.I. Sportz paint exclusively at our 2022 events. Great paint is an essential part of running competitive and fun paintball events and we strive to make the WCPPL both. During the course of the 2021 season we were impressed at the consistency of the GI paint shot at us at all the NXL events, but we were really sold when we got to shoot it ourselves at the Astra event in Texas. While at the Astra event San Diego Aftermath used GI Sportz paint and the team was beyond impressed. Simply put, it was the best paint at the event.”
John Rathbun, Director of Sales of Kore Outdoor said, “I first met Mike when Farside would play Aftershock in the early 2000’s at the Badlandz practices. His strong personality and desire to win made him special and eventually the event leader on the West Coast. Even though he is no longer the owner of APX, he still has that same drive to be the best and not settle. He said he needed the “best paint possible” from the industry and he thought we were the only ones who could supply that. The WCPPL is the best tournament series to ever run in California, and we’re proud to be part of that decade plus tradition.”

The WCPPL will continue to offer D5, D4, D3 and their Premiere division. The first event will be held at ASG in Perris, California. The WCPPL will announce their 2022 schedule after the NXL announces their schedule to avoid conflicting dates.