Winning MVP honors in any sport is a pretty big deal. At scenario events factors include, leadership, teamwork, completing objectives, sportsmanship, and overall being a BAD ASS. We have found just the guy. Meet Sebastian “Sea Bass” Alvarez of COBRA.
So, Sebastian, how many MVP’s and MoFo’s have you earned?
I have had the honor of earning 5 MVP awards, and multiple MoFo recognitions as a team.
(Personal Awards)
Most Valuable Player at VIPER Red Strike 2017
Victorious Commander at Dungeons and Dice 2017
Best Bounty Hunter at Dungeons and Dice 2017
Most Valuable Player at VIPER Austin Flowers 2017
Victorious X/O at Viper Texas Triple Threat
Most Valuable Player – VIPER Paint Wars 2015
Most valuable X/O at Decay of Nations 9 – Commander for EKRON
Victorious Commander for the Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout Part 2
Most Valuable Player / VIPER’s Halo 2014 at TXR Paintball
How many Team awards have you contributed too?
My team has received over 70 awards at national paintball events since its inception. I have had the honor of playing almost 30 games with my team. I do my best to not only work with my team to make a difference on the field and affect the game in a positive way, but off-the-field as well, including networking and meeting new people wherever we go.
Now if I remember right, at Red Strike in Indiana you were wearing a “robo boot” walking cast/brace right? And you still won MVP? How did you do that?
I had a hairline fracture and a bone spur in my heel 2 weeks before I left for Indiana to play Red Strike. There was no way I was about to let that keep me from playing. During game play, the X/O position opened up due to the original XO having a bad stomach bug and couldn’t be on the field. Just before dinner break, I messaged our general and asked if he needed any help because I noticed the XO wasn’t there for most of the day segment. Being on the field we could all tell that we were getting our butts kicked. So, our commander was gracious enough to let me fill the XO position and play the role. We discussed what we had observed during the day, made some changes in strategy and turned things around to take home the win.
I’ve seen you now at 2 events this year, Vipers Wastelands at Avid in Oklahoma and Vipers Red Strike at Blast Camp, what other events have you played this year and what is still left on the calendar for you/your team?
Wastelands and Red Strike were my two out-of-state games so far this year. We have also played quite a few local scenario games at TXR Paintball like the first G.I. Brigade event Austin Flowers and plenty of fun scenarios at Tanks Paintball Park as well this year. We have a few games coming up in TX that we will be attending next:
September 24th – Jungle Manji at Tanks Paintball (Sugar Land, TX)
October 20th – Snake Eater Magfed Event at Texas Paintball (Round Rock, TX)
November 11-12: Walking Dead at TXR Paintball (Cypress, TX)
December (TBA) Viper’s Steel Fortress at What’s Up adventure park (Seven Points, TX)
That’s a lot of awesome events. I follow you on Facebook and I always see you posting or being tagged in lots of posts with your teammates and friends, how important is off field camaraderie to you?
It’s very important. My team is like my second family. My teammates are a loyal group of guys who work very hard and love what they do. I also enjoy camaraderie with other teams and players. I’m a very social person. I can’t sit down at camp for very long. I have to get out and see how so-and-so is doing and meet whoever so-and-so is with. It’s just my nature. I don’t make videos to promote myself, give out business cards or anything like that. It’s all about having fun, getting to know people and becoming one big family. I feel like that’s the paintball mentality us Texas players have and take pride in.
Do you have any advice for other players that are trying to positively impact a game like you do?
First, have fun. Play whatever style you want that makes you happy. Almost as important, get involved in the game. Find people who can guide you and help get you involved. Learn to play the object and run missions.
#THEREALMVP, how did you get that nickname?
LOL it was just a joke that ended up sticking.
What’s your load out?
Marker: Empire AXE 2.0
Loader: Virtue Spire 3
Tank: Guerilla Air
Goggle: VForce Grillz
COBRA is part of the Brigade Program with the captain Phil Ramirez being the Texas Brigade Commander. What’s your favorite part of the Brigade?
There are many aspects of the Brigade program that I fancy. First and foremost is getting everyone involved in the game/sport, no matter your affiliations. Earning patches for events that you attend and awards that you have earned gives everyone a chance to proudly display their accomplishments. Promoting the sport of paintball is always a way to give back. Inviting new players to games and giving tips on strategy to new players is a good way to grow the sport. COBRA has always been a team that likes to help others, so the Brigade Program goes hand in hand with our values.
How many event patches do you have?
I have 3 event patches.
Austin Flowers (Texas)
Wastelands (Oklahoma)
Red Strike (Indiana)
How many Achievement patches have you unlocked?
I’ve got 5 Achievement patches.
Which ones and how did you get them?
Trifecta Patch and 4 Snake Eater patches (3 MVP & 1 MVT). The Trifecta patch I earned by attending 3 different G.I Brigade events. My Snake Eater awards I got by earning MVP or MVT awards.
SeaBass is a formidable opponent on the field, standing 6 ft. 11 inches and a chiseled 225 he could scare kids off the field if he wanted, but instead you will find a friendly, kind, humble guy who doesn’t like all this attention and had to be talked into even doing this story. Humility, Friendship, Brotherhood is what you can take away from this.
And now you know the man behind the legend #THEREALMVP.