Quebec, Canada – March 20, 2017 – G.I. SPORTZ announces new warranty program. The new program will replace all existing warranty programs for G.I. SPORTZ branded products. G.I. SPORTZ branded products includes but is not limited to Empire, Tippmann, Vforce, G.I. SPORTZ, JT, BT, Spyder and Splat Master.
G.I. SPORTZ prides itself on manufacturing and selling the top of the line paintball products and offering unparalleled customer service to its consumers. We will continue to do that for any player who has or will purchase a brand new GI SPORTZ branded product.
Effective today for all legacy KEE brands (Empire, JT, Spyder & Splatmaster), the limited lifetime warranty on all existing markers is null and void. However, any consumer may register any current existing G.I. SPORTZ Branded marker until April 30th and receive the full factory warranty of the product, regardless of original date of purchase, ownership or marker status. As of May 1, 2017, marker warranty registration will be for new marker purchases only.
You can register your marker today at: http://products.paintballsolutions.com/Registration
G.I. SPORTZ warranty lengths may vary based on the type of product. For a full listing of our new product warranty timelines you can check out http://www.paintballsolutions.com/index.php/warranty-information/product-warranty-length
Additionally, G.I. SPORTZ feels the need to address products being sold into the marketplace that are not “factory sealed” or sold as anything other than “brand new”. G.I. SPORTZ will no longer offer a factory warranty for any G.I. SPORTZ products bought used, second-hand, blemished, as an “open box” model, or through an on-line auction or raffle.
If you have any questions or need technical support, please contact us at:
11723 Lime Kiln Drive
Neosho, MO 64850
Website/email: https://gisportz.com/services.php