“I always have the best paint on my TOUR” Greg Hastings
Go meet Greg at any of his upcoming Tour of Duty 2014 dates, or try and shoot him if you can!”
JUNE 27-29 WESTERN WARS EMR PA. www.EMRpaintball.com
Talk about legendary…If you have never seen the castles and forts at EMR, you are about to be amazed beyond belief! AND…at night you WILL party… and party hard. I think it’s in the rules or something!! Taking on The WOLF, so come help me battle!
JULY 11-13 Invasion Of Normandy PA. www.Skirmish.com
If you want to play at a field that has been around since the beginning of time, well at least the early years of paintball, then Skirmish is it! Miles and miles of fields, and when they drop the Higgins’ Boat’s doors, you will be shot!!!! I love to be scared to death! You?
July 25-27 PAINTFEST Bassett’s Pole, England www.NPFBassettsPole.com
The early pioneers of our sport are the founders of this event. I have been to this field before, but I have not been to PAINTFEST, which I hear….is quite the good time. Sleep will have to wait! Come have a pint AND a pod with me!
Aug 8-10 Mirabel Big Game Montreal, Quebec www.PaintballMirabel.com
Parlez–vous français? Not really, but… Mon nom est Greg ! I’ll Try!!! This will be my first time to this field, so I am very excited to head up the GI Sportz “back yard” and see how they role on the paintball fields of battle!
Oct 11 Battle for North America Ontario, CA www.CrazyBillsPaintball.ca
Here we go again!! This is that fun event I always enjoy going to. Lots of familiar Ontario faces; friends, and fans, so I look forward to taking on BAD REV again this season. Its OK, join my team and help me defeat that maniac!
Nov 15/16 TC Mexico Mexico City www.Tippmann.com/TippmannChallenge
Headed south of the border for this new adventure! I am soooo happy I love Mexican food and the fun loving people of Mexico! I better bone up on my Spanish for this one. How do I say “You’re out sucker!” in Spanish? This may be a fun holiday trip for my North American friends, so book this one and come help me enjoy Mexico City for the week;-)
The Greg Hastings Tour of Duty is co-sponsored by FIELDS OF BATTLE!
With over 2 Million downloads already, Fields of Battle (VERSION 1.5), is a resounding hit.
Congratulations to Greg and Super X Studios LLC for putting out another hit video game, featuring Tippmann products, of course. Check out the weekly competition as well, called Friday Night Fights and win Tippmann products and MORE!
Download Fields of Battle for FREE at these links:
Fields of Battle for iOS
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